Bendera Suriname Sedikit kita bercerita dulu mengenai sejarah orang Jawa Indonesia di Suriname di kutip dari beberapa sumber. Serjar...
Kids Play Fire Soccer *
children playing soccer fire, with passion and full of caution, it is very brave bunch of children. football usually done by adults only m...
image Satay is a food made from pieces of meat cut into small pieces , and pierced with a puncture ...
Disaat tidak sedikit masyarakat indonesia membicarakan dolar naik dan hutang Negara. Malahan saya berfikir karena melihat beberapa artikel ...
Tangerang is a city in the Province of Banten, Indonesia. It is located about 25 km west of Jakarta. Banten, is central to the spread ...
Comparison Year: Mount Padang Indonesia, The Egyptian Pyramids, Machu Picchu There is a plan of the Masyarakat Arkeologi Indonesi...
Bakso Almost all districts, in Indonesia , will Bakso viewed. Bakso very much at all interested persons,Bakso or meat balls Baso is the...
RENDANG Rendang is a spicy meat dish which originated from the Minangkabau ethnic group of Indonesia, and is now commonly served acros...
The crust of the egg is one of the typical regional food Betawi ( Jakarta) Indonesia . These foods are made from materials , suc...
soto Madura has several specialties . the more famous " Satay MADURA ". This time I will discuss in advance Soto Ma...
Surabi sometimes called "Sorabi" or "Srabi" is one of the snack foods or snacks that originated from Indonesia . Simila...
Karawang- West Java - Indonesia Karawang as one of the cities on the north coast of West Java over the years has been known as the nationa...
Timphan is, a cake or a dish typical of Aceh (Indonesia), the feast of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, Timphan made one or two days before E...
getuk cassava Getuk -Java: GE-Thuk "GETHUK" - is a snack that is made with the main ingredient cassava or cassava. food is ea...
Pete / Petai. Latin food called "Parkia speciosa 'is Thriving in this archipelago, ESPECIALLY in the western tropical. Pete is ...
"Nasi Jamblang" If you come to Cirebon Regency, West Java province of Indonesia. Will be felt less if you does not try to ...
Mohinga, hidangan nasional Burma ( wikipedia ) Myanmar dikenal juga sebagai Biram, disebut Burma di dunia Barat tapi secara resmi dike...
Image from : When I go to the area cirebon, use a motorcycles, I mean to places like shopping at ...
Pete / Petai. Latin food called "Parkia speciosa 'is Thriving in this archipelago, ESPECIALLY in the western tropical. Pete is ...
C iri khas dari Albania adalah budayanya, masakan tradision lanya, dan juga keramah tamahannya. Albania adalah salah satu Negara paling ku...
Makanan tradisional Kenya telah berkembang untuk bisa memasukan segi eksotisnya- aroma pedas dan kelezatan santan menyatu dengan makanan ya...
Comparison Year: Mount Padang Indonesia, The Egyptian Pyramids, Machu Picchu There is a plan of the Masyarakat Arkeologi Indonesi...
Bakso Almost all districts, in Indonesia , will Bakso viewed. Bakso very much at all interested persons,Bakso or meat balls Baso is the...
Dari majalah yang terkenal yaitu Forbes sebuah majalah bisnis dan finansial Amerika Serikat baru-baru ini mengumkan, beberapa daftar orang ...
The crust of the egg is one of the typical regional food Betawi ( Jakarta) Indonesia . These foods are made from materials , suc...